skinny buildings

Someone’s losing it on the corner of Turk and Leavenworth. Screaming and screaming, walking in front of cars. I’m watching from the 12th floor. I can hear everything happening down there so clearly. The endless sirens, and maybe even someone’s hacking cough.
There’s a police station on Eddy. I think it’s Eddy. It’s a sad gray slab in the middle of all these gorgeously crumbling gems. I’ve always romanced hotels, even the ones that might have bed bugs. It’s the new BB!
Will anyone ever come visit my in the Oasis. Not because of bed bugs. But because guests have sign in with there ID at the front desk. Doorman building, girl. It’s because we’re poor, and they, the property managers don’t want us bringing in strange skanks. Discrimination against the poor, it’s everywhere, even at home!

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